I love Rapportive. It’s a nifty way to know about a user who sent you an email to your Gmail account. You can know about the person who sent the email and treat the person that way. It collects its data from various sources including social networks. But, you can only use that in your Gmail as a browser add-on.
As a developer, that’s kinda sad. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to use those information in your custom application? Well, there is a hack that I found and turned it into a PHP class for easier usage and it’s kinda cool 😀
So I wrote this nifty PHP class and it makes fetching the data a breeze.
require dirname( __FILE__ ) . ‘/rapportive.php’;
$rap = new WeDevs_Rapportive( ‘[email protected]’ );
var_dump( $rap->get_data() );
I use rapportive everyday, really a very good service.
btw, liked the php class
Thanks dada 🙂
i think linkedin have locked down their api now, so i might not work anymore. Hopefully there will be a work around soon?
i do u have any other working program like Rapportive