WP User Frontend PRO released

60 thoughts on “WP User Frontend PRO released”

  1. 10/10 This functionality seems so essential that it should be included in WordPress by default and the plugin is so well integrated that it feels like it already is.
    The code behind the plugin is beautifully well written and the options in the back-end interface cover just about everything. Since this pro version is new, I’m sure it will only get better with time.
    It’s also worth noting that the developer has been pretty responsive and helpful in the support forums for the previous version which is always a good sign. I would like to see a ‘How to Extend WPUF Pro’ post similar to the one for the non pro version.

  2. Loved the plugin and it has been an indispensable part of my site for a while. However, I’ve discovered that it is likely responsible for taking down the site and causing problems with any viewing of the users once activated. If multisite user management is on, this plugin will no longer turn on and old versions of the plugin will not function. Even turning off multisite doesn’t seem to make a difference as a result of a memory error. Here it is from my error logs and from WP:

    [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 32 bytes) in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-includes/meta.php on line 563, referer: https://www.mysite.com/wp-admin/network/update.php?action=upgrade-plugin&plugin=wp-user-frontend%2Fwpuf.php&_wpnonce=3910013b09

    and another:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 90 bytes) in /home/mysite/public_html/wp-includes/meta.php on line 571

  3. Hi Tareq,

    Thank you very much for your work here, it looks awesome!

    I am keen to purchase the Pro version, however before I do that I would appreciate some insight. I need to use something like Good Writer Checkify to ensure that all the people that are contributing are following the best practices.

    Can you please let me know if I will be able to use Good Writer Checkify with this plugin AND/OR if there is functionality within your app that will allow me to do this?

    Many thanks

    1. Hi Chris,
      Haven’t heard the plugin name before. For now, it doesn’t support obviously. I’ve to look into the plugin and will see if it’s gonna work or not.

      Update: As I see, it’s only some informations to assist the user? If thats the case, you could manually insert those checklist in the post area.

  4. Hi Tareq,

    Awesome plugin! The demo version gives a good impression of how it works. It looks like it has a competely different set up of creating new-post forms than the free-version. At the form creator in the PRO version demo, I do not see the ability to add a post-date field, is this going to be added?

    Also a second question: is it posible to add a field where the ‘default value’ would be set to a value of the Users-profile. So for example a logged in User would find his address from his profile as a default value in an adress-field while creating a new post?

    I look forward to your reply, and keep up the awesome work!
    Jaring D

    1. 1. The post date field is removed from the PRO version, may be it’ll be added back in a future update.
      2. It’s not possible in a *normal* way.

      There is a Action Hook field in the form editor, you can use it to create dynamic fields with some php. Both 1 and 2 problem can be solved with that field. It’s such a field that you (developer) can build your own dynamic fields.

      1. Hi Tareq,

        Thanks for the reply. I was using Gravity forms before but I will definately swith to WP user frontend because of the extended functionality.

        I don’t know if this is the place for it, but I have some suggestions for future additions you can possibly consider:
        1. A post-view-counter on the frontend management section, so authors can see how well their posts are doing.
        2. The ability for authors to clone/copy their posts.
        3. adding conditional logic to the form fields (if a value is entered, a subsequent field is displayed)

        Keep up the awesome work!

        1. 1. It would be very simple to add in the dashboard as it’s only a meta field. You can do that by adding it yourself.
          2. Hmm…thats new.
          3. Conditional logic is the first priority, I will be trying to implement it.

          Glad to know that you are switching from Gravity forms πŸ˜€

  5. Hello Tareq,

    Great plugin, thank you. I’ve purchase to PRO version. Unfortunatly, I’ve some problem activating the plugin.

    Clicking on “Activate” the plugin crash wordpress and I need to disable plugins through the database to get back to work.

    I’ve watch the logs and sometimes into the logs file appear this error “FATAL ERROR : allowed-memory-size-of-33554432-bytes-exhausted-tried-to-allocate-“….etc

    I’ve increase memory_limit to 128M in php.ini but it doesn’t solve the problem.

    So, I’ve decided to run a brand new instance of wordpress under the same server/subdomain, installing again your plugin. No errors, no problems. Very strange thing.

    I’ve investigate into this and I’ve detect that:

    The first wordpress instance installed has a “wp_user” table of 62834 users: here is the problem. If I truncate the wp_user table and insert into this table only 3 users , your plugin is activating correctly without any problem.

    How could I do to activate your plugin on my wordpress instance with many users without errors? Thank you


    1. Firstly, for support questions, there is a dedicated forum. You should ask the question there.

      About your problem, download the latest version from your account area. The previous version has some memory related problem and they are fixed in the latest versions. You shouldn’t have problem with the latest one.

  6. There is also a suggestion:
    Add a network picture, for example: http://pinterest.com famous photo-sharing site. He has a “add a pin” function, enter the URL of the picture you want to share, he will find pictures, then you can choose the picture you want to share and then publish. Of course, you can also write the description and title.

  7. β€œYou need to set your permalink custom structure to at least contain /%postname%/ before WP User Frontend will work properly.”

    Permalink formats can use it? % Post_id%

  8. Hi,

    we are testing the free version now and are missing the function to let people upload a image post and not a just a post.. Can I do that with the PRO version or is it stille only making “post” and not “image” media ?


  9. fyi… seem like the demo, demo admin is not working – or I get a error saying that the password demo is incorrect ?

    “ERROR: The password you entered for the username demo is incorrect. Lost your password?”


  10. Hi Tareq,

    Thanks again for this very useful plugin. I would like to find out if you have tried to integrate your plugin with the Post Planner plugin at all?

    At the moment our site allows multiple authors to post using your plugin, however we would like to manage the editing of the posts and publishing at the back end. Post planner does this really well, but it means manually creating an entry every time the user submits an entry from your plugin. My ideal would be that the post planner entry would be creating the post planner entry automatically when Frontend Pro creates the post. I believe this will be possible because of this comment from the developer of Post Planner.

    “I’m not familiar with that plugin but in theory if it allows things to be published to two different places when submitted or if it fires any action hooks when the form is submitted you (or your developer) could write some code to also create a new entry using that info in Post Planner since Planners are just custom post types called ‘planner’. However, this is not something that can be done from my plugin.”

    Many thanks in advance for your help.
    Warm regards

    1. Hello Chris, if you are using the PRO version, the support forum would be the perfect place for this inquiry πŸ™‚

      About the post planner, I also haven’t used it. But sounds like it creates a new entry for posts? Then it can be done. There are several hooks for this, perhaps the developer of that plugin will be able to help.

  11. Great product! Just saw the update today on WP repo and will definitely check it out first. Gravity Forms does a great job (by using too much system resource though) but keeps on showing banner asking me to renew my license after one year. Hope your Pro version won’t show that ugly banner.

    1. Hey; funny seeing you here…
      Reverie is the best! I’m using it on my personal site. I tried all of the foundation themes and it was the only one that I liked.
      WP user frontend is one of my favorite plugins both because of its functionality and how it’s written so it’s cool to see that you are checking it out.
      I’ve been using and following your theme and Tareq’s plugin for a while. I guess it’s a small world.

  12. Just purchased pro. With selection in Settings->Dashboard to allow or disallow poster to insert a picture set to “allow”, my wpStickies commenting overlay on postings and pages “static” images will not function. When set to “off/disallow”, the app works. Same holds true for the WP Float app which allows for floating menus, on the same page. Do you intend to fix this…quickly?

  13. I am trying to create a site where users can register in the front end and post to the site.

    So far, I have wp user frontend (free) loaded and functional.
    I also have theme my login installed to hide access to the admin section.
    Looks like both theme my login and wp user frontend allow for profile updating in the front end.
    Will having both active at the same time cause any issues?

    Second question:

    With this setup, wp user avatar does not work. The pictures can’t be loaded from the frontend.

    If I want to add avatar functionality to user profiles, can I replace wp user frontend (free) and wp user avatar with the PRO version of wp user frontend? Does the avatar upload take place in the frontend? Sounds like it should, but none of the other avatar programs I have tried work when combined with a front end profile form.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. First question, no it’ll not create any issue.
      2nd, yes, the PRO version comes with a avatar upload and you can upload avatars from frontend.

  14. Hello,

    Does this great and amazing plugin support Hebrew or allow administrator to translate the plugin into Hebrew byhimself ?

    Thank you,

    1. Although you can translate to Hebrew without a problem, but I guess Hebrew is RTL? In that case that would be a problem I think. But you could use CSS to change the layout to RTL may be, not sure.

  15. I would like to buy the pro version but need two things incorporated into it.

    1) I need a choice of where to go to after the upload. After the upload I want the page to go to the post the user just uploaded.

    2) When media for a gallery etc is uploaded I don’t want the people to see the whole media library of files uploaded. all I want them to is is their files.

    Can you do this?
    If you can I will purchase the pro version

    1. 1) You can customize the redirect URL flexibly, so you can do that.
      2) The pro version skips the media uploader, instead it’s uses it’s own image/file uploader. So any user can’t see images in the uploader πŸ™‚

  16. Looks like a great plugin…before I buy:
    1.Does the Pro version work with any Membership plug-ins (Wp-member or wp-members?)
    2. Is there currently (Or available as add-on) payment option. eg if I want people to pay to register?

  17. Hi Tareq,

    I really hope you can help me?

    I’m trying to setup a charitable organsation and feel your WP User Frontend PRO plugin may do what I need it to do.

    Problem is I can’t outlay any money onto something like this and even if I did of my own… it might not be what is needed…

    I’ve read great things about your work, you’ve done an awesome job.

    I hope they find it in your heart to help me out πŸ™‚

    Kindest regards,

  18. I can’t seem to see the pro version of this? Any thoughts? Keep getting


    You don’t have permission to access /plugin/wp-user-frontend-pro/ on this server.

    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

  19. Hi Tariq, I am creating a website that allows people to upload pictures from their computers and mobiles. However, when I test with the frontend pro version via mobiles the photo has the wrong orientation. It is 90 degrees to the left unlike when using the computer. How can I resolve this.

  20. Hi Tariq,

    So instead of a post a user can use the contact form to build there own forms which they can use to have other people contact them? Would they use the built-in contact form in WP? or could they use contact form 7 or others?

    Thanks for the quick response!

  21. Hi Tariq,

    please reply me as I am going to purchase this plugin but before purchasing I have to make sure this plugin will fulfill my requirement.

    here is what I want:

    I want to given a option to the user to create page from front end with the all functionality like page title, page content, page attribute( parent page, and custom templates). means all functionality which is available in the back end to create a page.

    also is that possible to manage users from front end. means add, edit and delete users from front end.

    please reply me back.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. User can create pages with page content, title. But currently you can’t give the ability for page attributes and page templates. As a public facing area, a user shouldn’t have that much control. So it’s not there.

      Currently no user management available on the Pro version, only user registration form and profile update is possible.

  22. Tareq,
    Thank you for a great and comprehensive plugin.
    Have you had any feedback about your plugin working with the Premiumpress.com theme? I have the shop press theme installed and came across your plugin which does what I want for extending my site but I’m having issues with the file upload. I am able to submit the custom post, it goes to pending, but when I try to approve it, I see no files with the post. I see them in the media library. This is ok for testing, but when you have a lot of users upload, you can never know who had which file.
    Any thoughts about having an individual upload directory per user? So all their files are in their directory?
    Any pointers?

    1. I haven’t tried premiumpress.com themes yet. Are you already using the pro version of WP User Frontend? All the uploads should be assigned/associated with posts.

      Individual directory per user is not suitable for WordPress architecture. Lots of issues will be created by doing this. I haven’t tried this yet, but it’ll be NO from me to create directories for each user.

      1. I am not using the PRO version yet. I want to make sure it will work for me before I buy it.
        Like I said, everything works fine, but the files get lost. I am not able to get the filename and path submitted with the post. I am using custom post types.
        If I am able to see a path to fixing it, I will purchase the plugin as all other features are exactly what I wanted.

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