Today I found the plugin Teleport for keyboard navigation in WordPress. This plugin has a really slick UI and animation and I loved it. But it lacks keyboard shortcuts. So I started coding to build a tiny plugin that doesn’t have that much slick UI, but can do the job very nicely.

brings up the shortcut helpThis keyboard help popup is inspired by gmail keyboard shortcut help 🙂
Lol 😉
Any idea when the new version of WP User Frontend will be ready?
Tareq vai how are you? Your WordPress theme development tutorials are very helpful.So i have your 4 tutorial(wordpress).Please give me your others video Tutorilas link…….
I have my project on hold over the WP User Frontend… I can leave a donation! when is due the new release?
What feature you are waiting for? :/
BTW, you are commenting about a different plugin on a different plugin post, weird?
ah! finally I find you!
well, the feature I need is let users post without registration…
I have like 2 months trying to find you…
LOL, It took 2 months to find me? My blogs link was already with the plugin. Anyway, I hope it’ll be released soon.
Since this:
anyways you don’t work for hire?