
My talk on Open Source Contribution in WordPress

From yesterday (09-02-2015), the biggest tech conference in South Asia is happening at BICC called Digital World Conference, 2015. All sorts of software exhibition, tech talks, conference are being arranged in this 4 day long exhibition. There is a slot named CMS Developers Conference where we managed developers from WordPress and Joomla to give their talks. It … Continue reading My talk on Open Source Contribution in WordPress

Bengali translation, a first time collaboration for WordPress!

Hopefully WordPress 4.0 is going to be released at 27th August, 2014. As this version is going to have language selection from the installation phase, translation is important. As the validator of WordPress Bengali project, I proposed a translation collaboration effort to give a boost in our Bengali translation. From the banner of our local group … Continue reading Bengali translation, a first time collaboration for WordPress!

Introducing weGallery

Making consistent naming after my company weDevs, I named the documentation theme as weDocs. Now another plugin came as weGallery, very consistent! Another Gallery? There are many plugins available in the plugin directory for the same needs, gallery. I’ve seen the most downloaded NextGEN Gallery, it has lots of feature and very complex. If … Continue reading Introducing weGallery